Simply hold MOON tokens and get rewarded in XT on every transaction!
Our auto-claim feature means your XT Rewards will be automatically sent to your ABEY wallet.
7% of every buy/sell is taken and redistributed to all holders. Hold MOON tokens, earn XT. A Minimum of 100,000 tokens is required in order to receive rewards.
For the first time ever, you don’t need to claim your earned XT. It’s automatically sent to your ABEY wallet.
5% of every transaction is swapped to XT (3% of which will be sent to a burn address to deflate XT). The other 2% will be used to further rewarding our community.
An extra 2% fee is applied to all sells. This will allow us to reduce swing-trading and break whales’ control.
Initial Liquidity Provided is locked for more than 1 year.
3% of every transaction is converted into liquidity for XSwap (into MOON/ABEY). It’s automatic and helps create a price floor (stability).
Download ABEY Wallet (an app for your phone) or MetaMask (a crypto wallet in the form of a browser extension). If you use Metamask, you will have to add the ABEYChain to your network-list. (Click here for a step-by-step tutorial).
Buy ABEY on an exchange (i.e. ZBX Plus, Liquid Global etc.). Transfer the tokens to your ABEY wallet address. ARC-20 addresses start with a "0x".
Click here to go to XSwap and buy MOON with ABEY. Select the MOON/ABEY pair. Set the slippage tolerance to 16% (sometimes it may be 20%, depending on how much demand there is).
Swap ABEY for MOON and HODL!